Sunday, January 25, 2009


I had to smile when I saw this picture again - and promptly set it as my desktop picture. Despite the hard work of EXCEL - we did have some fun didn't we!?!

Most of you know that Lydia is headed back to EXCEL 32 as a team leader. I'm delighted she gets this opportunity! And --- I was thinking it would be really neat if we/you/anyone who reads this blog would be her cheerleaders by leaving her a special "comment" of encouragement on this blog (you can find the place to leave a comment at the bottom of this post btw - just sign in as anonymous if you don't have a google account).

She leaves Thursday - so don't delay!

I think Julie is going to AE (am I right, Julie???) -- so ya'll can encourage her too! :)

Love you dear ladies! Continue to thirst for Jesus!



Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm headed to Advanced Excel arriving Monday. I'm have been trying to get ready as quickly as possible. I defintely need prayer while I'm there. It will be exciting and yet challenging.


[Carolyn] said...

Lydia! Just a note to say that I will be praying for you and may you have a blessed 8 weeks in Dallas!
Love, Carolyn

teresa's blog said...

Lydia dear,

God has called you for such a time as this to be a tremendous blessing to those on your team! My prayers and thoughts go with you...
Love always, Teresa

P.S. loved the phone call!

teresa's blog said...

Julie dear,
I only wish I was going to AE too! I'm sure it will be a wonderful time of learning and growth! May He always go with you...
- Teresa

Team 4 said...

I can't wait to see your smiling face in Dallas, even tho it won't be the same. I'll be praying for you (and hopefully getting in a few hugs... :0)
Love you

Anonymous said...


Just want you to know that I'll be praying for you. I know that God is going to use you in a special way. May you find peace in knowing that "Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our path, is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see." (Corrie ten Boom)

I will be back at the DMC at the end of February and look forward to seeing you then!

Blessings on you!
