Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mel's week

Well, I didn't pass the driving test this time. My driving was fine, but I forgot to turn on the defroster (which I later learned was broken in the car). I'm up for another try on February 18th.

I went to my Young Life's 'Tuesday Night Together' last night. It was good to get out of the house and talk to a few people. We watched two movie clips: first was a mini demonstration about how big the universe is (similar to Mr. Bell's talk), and second was the Gospel message presented by a guy with a surfboard (which was a refreshing take).

Sometimes I catch myself dismissing a message simply because I've already 'covered the material,' as if I were a senior sitting in a third grade class. I forget the the simple truths are just as important as the 'advanced' ones.

MEL :)


teresa's blog said...

Way to go on the blogging ladies - three in a day - I'm so impressed! Keep it up! Lovin' it! :)

teresa's blog said...

It's great you're going to keep trying on the driving test, Melissa - thanks for posting!